
How To Find The Treasure In Minecraft

Then, yous traveled to unlike biomes but couldn't find the exact location of the buried treasures?

What if I say, the best method to detect a cached treasure is by using a treasure map. That'south where my Minecraft Cached Treasure Finder Guide comes in handy.

You have to dig a few blocks to find the treasure breast. The closest chest as well contains saddles in Minecraft.

How far down is the buried treasure in Minecraft?

The buried treasures are three to 6 blocks deep down. Treasure maps don't assistance you notice the exact location of the treasure. They merely reveal structures and monuments. You have to dig near two meters of radius effectually the X mark to get the treasure.


Keep Reading, As I'll bear witness yous where the treasure chests are exactly located.

Also, Bank check out our separate postal service on how to find spawn chunks in Minecraft.

What is a Buried treasure in Minecraft?

Buried treasures are the hidden treasure chest found in Minecraft, which needs to be found with a treasure map. You will get the Treasure Hunter and Me aureate Achievements once you dig upwards a buried treasure.

These chests are naturally produced structures found in specific minecraft biomes which consists of loots. In fact, Buried treasure chests are the just source of the eye of the sea. You can also detect Cooked cod,  iron and gilded ingot, leather tunic, iron sword, TNT, prismarine crystals, and diamonds.

Go through our latest post on how to find a treasure map using the minecraft biome finder .

What is a treasure map in Minecraft?

Treasure maps are the maps that assist to detect Buried treasure. You can detect the treasure maps mostly in sunken shipwrecks.

How does a ship wreck look similar in Minecraft?

Shipwreck in Minecraft is a sunken transport establish underwater. They look like one-time destroyed ships like you see in pirate movies. You lot can detect at least 1 chest in a shipwreck.

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Employ Minecraft Kill Commands to destroy all the hostile mobs bachelor in the shipwreck.

How to Detect Buried Treasure in Minecraft

The tutorial I am providing will help you lot to find the buried treasure chests in Minecraft.


So, here are the steps to find the Buried Treasure in Minecraft:

  1. Discover a shipwreck in ocean biomes, bounding main, or beach biomes. The shipwreck looks like the ruins of sunken ships.
  2. Wait for a Treasure Map chest in that shipwreck.
  3. Use the Buried Treasure Map Chest to locate the treasure spot.
  4. Go to the exact location where the cross sign is located on the map. The red ten mark and the white dot will be at the verbal same location.
  5. Commencement digging around the place to find the buried treasure chests.

Apace make a Jack o'Lantern in Minecraft using the items available in the treasure box.

How Does a Buried Treasure await similar in Minecraft?

The wait of Cached Treasure totally depends on the Biome in which it is establish. But Generally is a colorful treasure box.

Buried treasure in Minecraft contains merely a single breast.


The breast is almost always buried nether some materials and then y'all won't leave empty-handed.

Some Minecraft biomes don't take buried treasure chests. Here, I take given a picture for your ease to know how really a Buried treasure in Minecraft looks like.

If the chests are buried in a embankment biome, then they will have a sand or gravel block roofing information technology up. Sometimes, if the buried treasure is generated on the side of underwater structures, hills, the treasures volition spawn underwater with a stone cake roofing them up.

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Sometimes the treasures spawn on the surface of the ocean floor which gets covered by gravel or sand blocks.

Mash some potion of weakness in Minecraft to kill the hostile mobs easily so that your treasure chest adventure doesn't get disturbed.

Terrain biomes generate buried treasuries by any suitable terrain-generated blocks, such every bit coal ore and diorite.

Advantages of Finding Cached Treasure in Minecraft

Buried treasure is added from Minecraft 1.thirteen JAVA edition. Buried treasure chests are the simply manner for obtaining 1 centre of the bounding main whenever you are outside of the artistic mode inventory or Commands.

Use a control cake in Minecraft to go valuable items in seconds.

And hearts of the body of water is i of the most valuable things y'all can observe in the entire Minecraft map.

You can use the Buried treasure Map chest to observe out in which biome the treasure has spawned.

Really finding a Buried treasure is like an risk. It'southward more of fun than wanting only the loots.

Quick Tip: Classify more RAM to Minecraft for a lag less gameplay.

What Loots Tin I Find Inside the Buried Treasure?

Each Buried treasure contains a lot of loots. Each buried treasure chest contains items including the Hearts of the sea, Iron ingot, Aureate ingot, Iron Sword, TNT, Emerald, etc.

In the Bedrock Edition, each buried treasure contains items similar Chainmail helmet, Pb, Potion of Regeneration, block and many more than.

Keep in listen that the chances of finding the centre of the sea are 100% in any buried treasure chest.

Y'all can also discover treasure maps and treasures like emeralds, nautilus shells (rare item), a Diamond sword,due south or even a gilt apple if yous get lucky.

Yes, Yous won't leave empty-handed if you find ane treasure.

Use the Curse of Vanishing spell for securing valuable items in one case you are dead.


Also, check out our expert's recommended best VPN for Minecraft.

How Deep Should I Dig to Notice Buried Treasure in Minecraft?

Usually, the Buried treasures aren't cached deep under the blocks. So, you don't need to dig more than five blocks to find Cached Treasures in Minecraft.

Plainly, the X spot you see on the map is not the exact spot.

It'southward a general hint just. Dig most that X spot to go the Buried treasure easily and also dig 15-18 Blocks and you volition go the Buried Treasure.

If you get tired of digging, y'all tin can also use the TNT to find the treasure more than speedily.

Cached Treasure tin spawn on the same level as the stone, but not below. You might need a Potion of Water Breathing if you desire to search underwater.

Here'south a consummate guide on how to make Dyes and make Compass in Minecraft.


Question: Can Minecraft buried treasure be underwater?

Reply: Yes, y'all tin can find buried treasure underwater. Buried treasures normally generate in beach biomes.

Question: Tin cached treasure be nether gravel?

Answer: Yeah, you can find buried treasure under gravels or rocks. Because the Buried treasure is programmed to be generated under the sand, clay, gravel, coral, etc. depending upon the biomes.

Question: Exercise dolphins help find treasure in Minecraft?

Answer: Dolphins will help you lot detect the nearest shipwreck if you feed them raw cod or raw salmon. You tin can utilise a treasure map and search for the boodle box.

Question: Is there more than than one treasure map in Minecraft?

Answer: There are three treasure maps in Minecraft. The sea, woodland, and buried treasure maps. The beginning 2 maps can be bought from a cartographer. At the aforementioned time, you have to look for the cached treasure map in a shipwreck and underwater ruins.

Final Thoughts

Information technology does seem a bit easy if you follow the steps I provided.

My suggestion would be to have a little patience while digging for the treasure chest.

There's no need to upset if you kept earthworks and digging and had no luck.

You'll surely observe the cached treasure as in that location's always a secret clue to find it out easily.


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